Application for Consideration: Solo Visual Arts Exhibits at Art Works

Application for Consideration: Solo Visual Arts Exhibits at Art Works All 2D & 3D visual artists are encouraged to apply.  We are currently accepting applications from quality artists who have a unique vision to share as a solo exhibitor. While Read more…

Access Win: Thanks to VSA Minnesota

Celebrate the win with Art Works tonight!  Often, we write grants or making funding appeals, and our needs go unmet. Tonight, we celebrate this win that will put automatic door openers on some of our doors most crucial to making our spaces accessible. Now, we are in the business of finding a few extra supporters to help us add $5,000 more to finish the project up with all the door openers we need. Do you value accessibility too? Let us know if Read more…

Call for Art: Deadline 1/10/19

The exhibit “Mirrored Mosaics” is intended to lift up and feature the work of creative Muslim people with a connection to Minnesota. The work need not be focused on religious themes, but it may. The work need not be a commentary in any way of your experience as it directly relates to being Muslim, but it may. The work need not be political, but it may. Faith is a defining force for many people, but it is certainly not the only defining force. Submit art that speaks your truth, and it will make an amazing exhibit that highlights the unique perspectives of being Muslim while revealing universal commonalities beyond cultural, faith and geographic influences.